This Sunday, we will be having a special time of commissioning for the faculty and staff or Our Redeemer Christian School (ORCS).
ORCS is entering its 51st year of ministry in Kingsgate. Our Director, teachers, and support staff are dedicated to educating and ministering to the children of our community and we look forward to this time to prepare them and bless them for their work this coming year.
We will be continuing our study of the book of Colossians. We will be focusing on Colossians 3:18-4:1. This section is often labeled “Rules for Christian Households.”
Why would we talk about rules for Christian households as we commission our teachers? God has called each of us to specific work and we please Him when we carry out that work in love for Him and our neighbor. Whether you are a teacher, wife, husband, or anything else, we are called to to good works for our neighbors.
How should we think about these good works? How do we know what those good works are? That is what we’re going to talk about.
We’ll be sharing in the Lord’s Supper this Sunday as well. To help prepare yourself to receive the Lord’s body and blood, read through this explanation of the Lord’s Supper.
We’ll sing Take My Life and Let it Be, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, The Lion and the Lamb, O Come to the Altar, and Be Thou My Vision.
Join us this Sunday @ 9:30 AM