Holy Week Services at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church – Kirkland

Holy Week Worship Schedule

Good Friday Tenebrae Service – 7 PM (In Person Only)

Easter Vigil on Saturday – 7 PM (In Person Only)

Resurrection Sunday Service – 9:30 AM (In Person with Live Stream on YouTube)

Easter Breakfast is available before and after worship on Sunday morning.

What is Easter Vigil?

The historic church has often celebrated a series of three services during Holy Week called the Tridium. The services are most easily thought of as one service over three days. The first service is Maundy Thursday. The highpoint of Maundy Thursday is the Last Supper. The second service is Good Friday. The Tenebrae service is a service of darkness. It isn’t a funeral for Jesus. Instead, it is a day of repentance over sin and restrained joy and praise for the redemption Christ accomplished for us on the cross. The third service is on Saturday and is called Easter Vigil.

Easter Vigil ushers in the celebration of the resurrection of our LORD on Easter Sunday. Our service will begin at 7 PM just outside the front doors of the church with the Service of Light. The Service of light takes the people from outside the church walls into the sanctuary, a space set aside for the hearing of God’s Word. Next is the Service of Readings. During the Service of Readings, the people hear of God’s many works of salvation throughout the history of mankind.

Following the readings, there is a Service of Baptism. Historically, this is the day that catechumen who are adult converts would be baptized and if we have an opportunity to baptize someone, this is a great time to do so. In the absence of a baptism, the people are reminded of the work God has done for them in baptism.

Next is the Service of Prayer and then the Service of the Word which includes a short homily. The service concludes with the Sacrament of the Lord’s Table where we will receive the body and blood of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.

I pray that this Holy Week you would reflect upon the passion of our Lord, repent of your sins, and trust in Christ Jesus unto eternal life. Amen.

Pr. Schultz