Preparing for Worship – 3rd Sunday after Trinity

This Sunday, we are deviating from the 1 year lectionary to remember the Confession of Augsburg on June 25th, 1530. 590 years ago, Princes and rulers from across Germany gathered at Augsburg to present Twenty Eight Articles of Faith to an emperor who was hostile to their teachings. The result, was the Unaltered Augsburg Confession. This confession of faith is a statement that faithfully expounds upon the Holy Scriptures and serves as the primary Lutheran Confession.

The church’s paraments will be red this morning. Red is the color of blood and fire. This will remind us of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit appeared upon the disciples as, “divided tongues as of fire.” Red is the color for festivals of renewal in the Holy Spirit, such as on Reformation Sunday in October and also for missions.

You can join our service in-person at 9:30 AM. I keeping with the County and State health order, we ask that you come with a facial covering and maintain physical separation from others.

If you are unable to join us for whatever reason, you can join via live stream.
We have had some difficulty with live streaming in the past due to an unstable connection. The service will be recorded as well and will be re-posted online later today.