Devotions for the 3rd Week of Advent

Large Catechism Reading

Sunday – Article II
Monday – Article III
Tuesday – Lord’s Prayer, 1st Petition
Wednesday – 2nd Petition
Thursday – 3rd Petition
Friday – 4th Petition
Saturday – 5th Petition
Sunday – 6th Petition

Scripture Readings

Sunday – Psalm 131
Monday – Psalm 45
Tuesday – Psalm 23
Wednesday – Psalm 148
Thursday – Psalm 91
Friday – Psalm 22
Saturday – Psalm 47
Sunday – 150


Monday – Ten Commandments
Tuesday – The Creed
Wednesday – Lord’s Prayer
Thursday – Sacrament of Baptism
Friday – Sacrament of the Altar
Saturday – Table of Duties
Sunday before Church – Christian Questions with Their Answers
Sunday at anytime – Confession