Advent is Here! Join us for Worship this Sunday. Plus, Luther for the Busy Man Update.

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means, “He comes.” It is a season of eager expectation and is one of the most beautiful seasons in the church year. We would love to have you join us for worship, and there are plenty of opportunities. Worship, including the Lord’s Supper, begins every Sunday at 9:30 AM.

We also have four evening worship services in December. The first three are on Wednesdays, 12/1, 12/8, and 12/15. Our final evening service for December is on Christmas Eve, 12/24 at 4:30 PM.

I wanted also update you on the print edition of Luther for the Busy Man (LFTBM). Unfortunately, it is at the bindery still and waiting for labor and cover material. You can hear an update from Dr. Wade Mobley about the printing here. This does not affect the email, web, or podcast edition of LFTBM which you can subscribe to on your favorite podcast app or to the emails at

In order to provide a printed version of our Advent and Christmas devotions, Dr. Mobley graciously has provided the text for the devotions and I have formatted and reprinted a few copies that are available at the church for free.

Lastly, I wanted to invite you to also subscribe to our YouTube Channel. By subscribing to the channel, you can receive notifications when new content is posted. Online videos of church are not a great substitute for church. But we realize that attending in person is not always an option and so we want you to be able to join us in this way.

May God bless you richly this Advent season.

Pastor Schultz