Preparing for Worship – The Last Sunday of Easter

Did you know that the season of Easter is 7 Sundays long? This Sunday is also the last Sunday of the first half or the church calendar. Pentecost marks the beginning of the second half of the Church Year as the emphasis shifts from the life and ministry of Jesus to the life of the church of Jesus Christ.

This doesn’t mean we stop talking about Jesus! Instead, it means that we begin looking at what the death and resurrection of Jesus means in the world!

On this Sunday, the last Sunday of Eastertide, we’ll be looking at Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit who comes to us. In John 15:26-16:4a, Jesus not only says who the Holy Spirit is, but why he is coming.

I was unable to find a recording of our final hymn, With God in Grace I’m Dwelling which is #494 in the Ambassador Hymnal, so for your reference, you can look at the lyrics at the bottom of the page.

Listen to the playlist below for the songs we will sing this Sunday! If you have a Spotify account, follow the playlist as it will update weekly with the music for the coming Sunday!

1 With God in grace I’m dwelling,
What harm can come to me
From worldly pow’rs compelling
My way thus closed to be?
Though they in chains may bind me
Inside this prison cell,
Yet Christmas here can find me;
Within my heart ’tis well.

2 The evil crowds perceive not
The Spirit’s pow’r and grace;
Believers they receive not,
Except with scornful face.
They see not, nor aspire
To seek enduring peace;
But race in vain desire
To pain without surcease.

3 Our God has promised surely
To free each seeking soul,
Who walks in spirit purely
With truth as way and goal.
Whose heart the world’s deceiving
Can never lead astray,
Who, constantly believing,
Will walk the Kingdom’s way.

4 Beloved friends, as ever,
We who in Christ are one
Must fight with brave endeavor
The battle that’s begun.
Our ranks must never waver,
Deceived by worldly wiles,
But onward with the Savior
Through all these bitter trials.

5 God grant us now His power,
And help us by His might
To follow truth this hour,
All guided by His light;
And may we work together
As one in mutual love,
Forsaking self and gather
At last in heav’n above.